November 2023

Reduce No-Shows at Tire Shops with Effective Text Messaging Techniques

Text messaging is a valuable tool for tire shops looking to reduce no-shows and improve the customer experience.

Send automated text reminders a day or two prior to the customer's appointment.

In the bustling world of tire dealerships, every minute counts. Timely appointments, efficient service, and happy customers are the gears that keep the business rolling. However, an underlying challenge can wrench up this well-oiled machine - the problem of no-shows. These no-shows affect everything from revenue to customer trust.

But, guess what - There's a fantastic solution: text messaging that can reduce the number of no-shows and take your customer service to a whole new level.

Here's how you can do it:

Appointment Reminders

Send automated text reminders a day or two prior to the customer's appointment. Make sure to include important details such as the appointment date, time, and the specific services like tire installation, rotation, wheel alignment, oil change etc. that they have scheduled. These convenient reminders will empower your customers to effectively plan their day and easily remember their commitment.

Bonus Tip - Confirmation Requests

After sending out the appointment reminders, go the extra mile by requesting customers to confirm or reschedule. By simply responding with a "C" for confirmed or "R" for rescheduled, customers can ensure they acknowledge their appointments and make necessary adjustments to the timing if needed.


Make sure to address customers by their names and tailor your messages to make them feel valued and appreciated. Adding a personal touch fosters a sense of connection and encourages customers to honor their appointments.

Discount Offers

Offer customers who confirm their appointments or arrive on time with special discounts or incentives. This not only motivates them to comply but also fosters a positive relationship.

Text messaging is a valuable tool for tire shops looking to reduce no-shows and improve the customer experience. It provides your shop with efficient communication, real-time updates, and personalization, all of which contribute to a significant decrease in missed appointments. In an industry where time is money, embracing text messaging is a winning strategy for customer retention and operational efficiency. So, boost your tire shop's success with text messaging and prevent those no-shows!

Despite the potential, many independent tire stores are not using this communication tool because setting up automatic SMS messaging capabilities can be time-consuming, time that you’d rather spend growing your business. Additionally, maintaining these capabilities with up-to-date customer information can be a nightmare you may not want to deal with.

ASA has the answer

ASA's TireMaster product line and GTX can be customized to meet the specific needs of your tire business. This includes a specially designed SMS messaging system that allows you to stay connected with your customers.

Our industry-leading software approaches the tire business from an enterprise management perspective, meaning that every piece of customer information can be used strategically to help your tire business run efficiently - including texting your customers.

The ASA-powered text messaging system can save you money by better managing labor costs because this system acts like a front-desk clerk, allowing your staff to focus on the customers in the store, and not on the phones.

Give us a shout-out! We would love to have a conversation about your texting requirements, enabling you to expand your existing customer base and nurture relationships with your loyal customers as they return for new tires and other maintenance services.